
Anti Discrimination Commission Queensland, Aboriginal people in Queensland: a brief human rights history, 2017

Banivanua Mar, Tracey, ‘Settler-colonial landscapes and narratives of possession’, Arena Journal, no. 37/38 (2012), pp. [176]–198. The paper refers to Kalkadoon/Mitakoodi, Queensland massacre history.

Behrendt, Larissa 2016, Finding Eliza: Power and colonial storytelling, University of Queensland Press

Bottoms, Timothy 2013, Conspiracy of Silence: Queensland’s frontier killing times, Allen & Unwin, Sydney
Timothy Bottoms’ video A Conspiracy of Silence: Queensland’s frontier killing times, is on YouTube:

Burke, Heather and Lynley Wallis, 2019, Frontier Conflict and the Native Mounted Police in Queensland Database. doi: 10.25957/5d9fb541294d5. Frontier Conflict and the Native Mounted Police in Queensland: The Queensland Native Mounted Police Research Database–Archaeology on the Frontier is a specific database of archaeological research relating to the Queensland Native Mounted Police that operated from 1849 to 1904. The project was conducted with an Australian Research Council Discovery Project grant from 2016 to 2020. The URL for the project website is: https://frontierconflict.org

This database and website should not be confused with the Australian Frontier Conflicts website: https://www.australianfrontierconflicts.com.au, that aims to document conflicts that occurred between colonists and First Peoples across the States and Territories of Australia.

Burke, Heather, Bryce Barker, Lynley Wallis, Sarah Craig and Michelle Combo, ‘Betwixt and Between: Trauma, Survival and Aboriginal Troopers of the Queensland Native Mounted Police,’ Journal of Genocide Research, March 2020, (Taylor & Francis Online) DOI: 10.1080/14623528.2020.1735147

Cadet-James, Yvonne, Robert Andrew James, Sue McGinty, Russell McGregor 2017, Gugu Badhun: People of the Valley of Lagoons, AIATSIS Research Publications an Imprint of Aboriginal Studies Press, Canberra

Chambers, Blagden 1988, Black and White: The story of a massacre and its aftermath, Methuen Australia, Richmond, Victoria (previously serialised in Country Life (New South Wales) between 1 June 1926 and 31 May 1927). Deals with contact history, violent conflict between the Queensland Mounted Native Police and First Nations people at Pigeon Creek, Queensland.

Coffey, Renée 2006, Frontier violence in Gin Gin: a history of murder, massacre and myth, University of Queensland Honours Thesis, access: https://espace.library.uq.edu.au/view/UQ:319766

Collins, Patrick 2002, Goodbye Bussamarai: the Mandanjanji land war, Southern Queensland 1842–1852, University of Queensland Press, St Lucia. See also Goodbye Bussamarai website: https://www.goodbyebussamarai.com

Collins, Patrick J, Richard, Frederick and Robert: Three Militant Walkers on the Maranoa Frontier,’ Queensland History Journal, Vol. 20, No. 10, May 2009, pp. 457–519

Connors, Libby, ‘Witness to frontier violence: an Aboriginal boy before the Supreme Court,’ Australian Historical Studies, Vol. 42, No. 2 (June 2001), pp. 230–243. Abstract at: https://eprints.usq.edu.au/19452/, accessed on 9 April 2015

Connors, Libby 2015, Warrior: A Legendary Leader’s Dramatic Life and Violent Death on the Colonial Frontier, Allen & Unwin

Copland, Mark 1999, The Native Police at Callandoon–A Blueprint For Forced Assimilation?’, paper presented at the History of Crime, Policing and Punishment Conference, convened by the Australian Institute of Criminology and Charles Sturt University, Canberra 9–10 December 1999.

Dawson, Christopher 2009, The Hanging at the Brisbane Windmill, Inside History (Boggo Road Historical Society), Fairfield Gardens, Queensland

Drake, Jack 2021, Queensland’s Frontier Wars, Boolarong Press, Tingalpa, Queensland

Evans, Raymond, Kay Saunders and Kathryn Cronin, 1988, Race Relations in Queensland: a history of exclusion, exploitation and extermination, University of Queensland Press, St Lucia, Brisbane. First published as: Exclusion, exploitation and extermination: race relations in colonial Queensland, Australia and New Zealand Book Co., 1975

Evans, Raymond and Ørsted-Jensen, Robert, I Cannot Say the Numbers that Were Killed’: Assessing Violent Mortality on the Queensland Frontier (2014). Available at SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=2467836, accessed on 9 August 2014.

Finnane, Mark and Jonathan Richards, ‘“You’ll get nothing out of it”? The Inquest, Police and Aboriginal Deaths in Colonial Queensland’, Australian Historical Studies, no. 123, April 2004, pp. 84–105: https://research-repository.griffith.edu.au/bitstream/handle/10072/5035/27469_1.pdf

Fisher, Rebecca, Chrissy Hansen-Dogherty, Woppaburra people of the Keppel Islands, Australian Museum, 2020: https://australian.museum/learn/cultures/atsi-collection/woppaburra-people-of-the-keppel-islands/

Foley, Fiona 2020, Biting the Clouds: A Badtjala Perspective on the Aboriginals Protection and the Restriction of the Sale of Opium Act, 1897, University of Queensland Press

Foley, Fiona, Louise Martin-Chew, Fiona Nicoll eds, 2015, Courting Blakness: Recalibrating Knowledge in the Sandstone University, University of Queensland Press

Freier, Philip L. Living with the ‘Munpitch’: the history of Mitchell River Mission 1905–1967, PhD Thesis, James Cook University, 1999, available at: https://researchonline.jcu.edu.au/33191/

French, Maurice 1989, Conflict on the Condamine: Aborigines and the European Invasion, Darling Downs Institute Press, Toowoomba, Queensland

Gibbons, Ray 2015, Deconstructing colonial myths: the massacre at Murdering Creek’, Academia online: https://www.academia.edu/12361316/Deconstructing_colonial_myths_the_massacre_at_Murdering_Creek (Murdering Creek is on the southern side of Lake Wyeba near Noosa, south-east Queensland)

Graham, RJ and Associates Pty Ltd., Woppaburra Land Trust Conservation Handbook: A handbook to guide the management, protection and conservation of the ancestral land and sea country of the Woppaburra people, June 2009:

Kelly, Roma and Nicholas Evans, 2015, The McKenzie Massacre on Bentinck Island, Mirndiyan Gununa Aboriginal Corporation, Queensland
‘In 1911 a man named McKenzie obtained a government lease which, according to Queensland law, gave him titlehold over all of Sweers Island and a large portion of Bentinck Island. In the 1980s Roma Kelly told linguist Nicholas Evans about the brutal massacre led by McKenzie in 1918 at Rukuthi, for which he was never punished.’

Kerkhove, Ray, A different mode of war? Aboriginal “guerilla tactics” in defining the “Black War” of Southern Queensland 1843–1855’. Paper presented at the AHA Conference, University of Queensland, Brisbane July 2014. Copy available at: https://sovereignunion.mobi/pdf/2016/Indigenous-Resistance-Wars-KerkhoveFINALa-2.pdf

Kerkhove, Ray, Barriers and Bastions: Fortified Frontiers and white and black tactics’. Paper presented at Our Shared History: resistance and reconciliation’, Central Queensland University seminar, Noosa, Queensland, 11 June 2015: https://www.academia.edu/13032599/Barriers_and_Bastions_Fortified_frontiers_and_white_and_black_tactics

Kerkhove, Ray 2015, The Battle of One Tree Hill and Its Context, Educational Resource for Jagan Daran

Kerkhove, Ray 2016, The Battle of One Tree Hill and Its Aftermath: https://frontierbattle.wordpress.com/battle-of-one-tree-hill-and-its-aftermath/, a section in Mapping Frontier Conflicts in South-East Queensland: https://frontierbattle.wordpress.com/

Kerkhove, Ray 2016, Breakfast Creek Camp Raids 1840–1860: https://frontierbattle.wordpress.com/breakfast-creek-camp-raids-1840s-1860s/, a section in Mapping Frontier Conflicts in South-East Queensland: https://frontierbattle.wordpress.com/

Kerkhove, Ray 2016, Brisbane Northside 1840–1850: https://frontierbattle.wordpress.com/brisbane-northside-1840s-1850s/, a section in Mapping Frontier Conflicts in South-East Queensland: https://frontierbattle.wordpress.com/

Kerkhove, Ray 2016, Corn Fields Raids 1827–1828: https://frontierbattle.wordpress.com/corn-fields-raids-1827-1828/, a section in Mapping Frontier Conflicts in South-East Queensland: https://frontierbattle.wordpress.com/

Kerkhove, Ray 2016, Hideouts and Bastions of Resistance: https://frontierbattle.wordpress.com/hide-outs-and-bastions-of-resistance/, a section in Mapping Frontier Conflicts in South-East Queensland: https://frontierbattle.wordpress.com/

Kerkhove, Ray 2016, Mapping Frontier Conflicts in South-East Queensland: https://frontierbattle.wordpress.com/

Kerkhove, Ray 2016, Multuggerah and Multuggerah Way, commissioned by Jagera Daran, distributed to Toowoomba City Council for the 2nd Annual Commemoration of the Battle of One Tree Hill.

Kerkhove, Ray 2016, Pastoral Settlement as Invasion: Invasion By Default: https://frontierbattle.wordpress.com/pattern-of-pastarol-settlement/, a section in Mapping Frontier Conflicts in South-East Queensland: https://frontierbattle.wordpress.com/

Kerkhove, Ray 2016, Pine Rivers/Sandgate Area 1850–1860: https://frontierbattle.wordpress.com/pine-riverssandgate-area-1850s-1860s/, a section in Mapping Frontier Conflicts in South-East Queensland: https://frontierbattle.wordpress.com/

Kerkhove, Ray 2016, Resistance and Areas Temporarily Reclaimed: Reclaiming the Land: https://frontierbattle.wordpress.com/reclaiming-the-land/, a section in Mapping Frontier Conflicts in South-East Queensland: https://frontierbattle.wordpress.com/

Kerkhove, Ray 2016, Rosewood Scrub 1843–1848: https://frontierbattle.wordpress.com/rosewood-scrub-1843-1848/, a section in Mapping Frontier Conflicts in South-East Queensland: https://frontierbattle.wordpress.com/

Kerkhove, Ray 2016, Stradbroke and Moreton Islands 1832–1833: https://frontierbattle.wordpress.com/stradbroke-and-moreton-islands-1832-1833/, a section in Mapping Frontier Conflicts in South-East Queensland: https://frontierbattle.wordpress.com/

Kerkhove, Ray 2016, Traditional Warfare and Tribal Alliances: https://frontierbattle.wordpress.com/traditional-warfare-and-tribal-alliances/, a section in Mapping Frontier Conflicts in South-East Queensland: https://frontierbattle.wordpress.com/

Kerkhove, Ray, Tribal alliances with broader agendas? Aboriginal resistance in southern Queensland’s “Black War”’, Cosmospolitan and Civil Societies, Vol. 6, No. 3, 2014, University of Technology, Sydney: https://epress.lib.uts.edu.au/journals/index.php/mcs/article/view/4218/4472

Kerkhove, Ray, Reconstructing the Battle of ‘Narrawai (Moongalba),’ Queensland Review, Volume 26, Issue 1, 2019, pp. 3–31. ‘Examines skirmishes on Stradbroke and Moreton Islands, south-east Queensland c.1827–1832.’

Kerkhove, Ray, Kabi Kabi sites and history of the legendary Mount Coolum (Sunshine Coast), Queensland’. Paper written for Don’t Make History a Mystery, National Reconciliation Week, 2018, The paper can be downloaded from Academia.edu: https://www.academia.edu/40081355/Kabi_Kabi_Sites_and_History_of_the_Legendary_Mount_Coolum?auto=download&email_work_card=download-paper, accessed 10 November 2021

Kerkhove, Ray 2023, How They Fought: Indigenous Tactics and Weaponry of Australia’s Frontier Wars, Boolarong Press

Kerkhove, Ray and Frank Uhr, 2019, The Battle of One Tree Hill: The Aboriginal Resistance That Stunned Queensland, Boolarong Press

Knowles, Rachel. Suppressed stories of slaughter immortalised in public artwork,’ National Indigenous Times, 19 March 2020

Laurie, Arthur, ‘Early Gin Gin and the Blaxland Tragedy’, presentation to the Historical Society of Queensland, 27 November 1952

Lergessner, James G 2007, Death Pudding: The Kilcoy Massacre, James G Lergessner, Woorim, Queensland

Loos, Noel 2017, Invasion and Resistance: Aboriginal-European Relations on the North Queensland Frontier 1861–1897, Boolarong Press. First edition 1982. PDF version:
https://openresearch-repository.anu.edu.au/bitstream/1885/114712/2/b12627793.pdf, accessed 19 April 2023.

Mackenzie-Smith, John, The Kilcoy poisonings revisited,’ Queensland History Journal, Vol. 20, No. 11, August 2009, pp. 593–605

Marr, David 2023, Killing for Country: A Family Story, Black Inc. (Released 3 October 2023).

Martin, Richard and Fred Pascoe, ‘Tommy Burns and he challenge of truth-telling on the pastoral frontier in thew Gulf Country of northern Australia,’ in Cameo Dalley and Ashley Barnwell eds 2023, Memory In Place: locating colonial histories and commemoration, ANU Press, Canberra, e-book on the National Library of Australia’s Trove: https://nla.gov.au/nla.obj-3282976008/view. This book is also available in hard copy.

Moore, Clive, Blackgin’s Leap’: A Window into Aboriginal-European Relations in the Pioneer Valley, Queensland, Aboriginal History,
Volume Fourteen, Part 1, 1990, pp. 61–79: http://press-files.anu.edu.au/downloads/press/p72191/pdf/article038.pdf
(In recent years, some places in Australia that bear highly offensive names like this one near Mackay, Queensland are being renamed, although there is some debate as to whether these names should be changed or be left as part of the brutal evidence of Australia’s past history. Queensland Place Names now officially calls this place ‘The Leap’, but the Yuibera name for it is not used. See the Wikipedia entry for more information on the very sad history of this site: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Leap,_Queensland, accessed on 2 May 2021.)

Ørsten-Jensen, Robert 2011, Frontier history revisited: colonial Queensland and the ‘history war’, Lux Mundi Publishing, Coorparoo, Queensland

Reynolds, Henry 2003, North of Capricorn: the untold story of Australia’s north, Allen & Unwin, Crows Nest, Sydney, New South Wales

Richards, Jonathan 2008, The Secret War: A True History of Queensland’s Native Police, University of Queensland Press. This book includes a summary of the Native Police in New South Wales, the Victorian Native Police Corps, Aboriginal police (and trackers) in South Australia and the Northern Territory. The book briefly mentions the question of a Native Police unit in Western Australia.

Richards, Jonathan, Black Troopers’: Native Police operations in the Townsville district, in Annette Burns, ed., Lectures in Queensland History. Selected lectures in Queensland History Series: 30 November 2009–27 February 2012, Townsville City Council, Townsville, Queensland, 2013, pp. 74–80

Richards, Jonathan, ‘“Many were killed from falling over the cliffs”: The naming of Mount Wheeler, Central Queensland,’ chapter 8 in Ian D Clark, Luise Hercus and Laura Kostansk eds, Indigenous and Minority Placenames: Australian and International Perspectives, ANU Press and Aboriginal History Inc., 2014, pp. 147–161

Richards, Jonathan, ‘There is no truth whatsoever as regards any Aboriginal being flogged by the Police,’: Coen Police Camp, 1933, Cape York Peninsula, in Jean-Christophe Verstraete and Diane Hefner, Land and Language in Cape York Peninsula and the Gulf Country, John Benjamins Publishing Company, Amsterdam, 2016, pp. 241–262

Richards, Jonathan and Paul Memmot, 2023, Archibald Meston (1851–1924), Australian National Dictionary of Biography online: https://adb.anu.edu.au/biography/meston-archibald-4191

Rowland, MJ, ‘Myths and non-myths: Frontier ‘Massacres’ in Australian History–The Woppaburra of the Keppel Islands,’ Journal of Australian Studies, no. 81, 2004, pp. 1–16. This article is available on Academia.edu:
https://www.academia.edu/4622261/Rowland_M_J_Myths_and_non_myths_Frontier_Massacres_in_Australian_history_The_Woppaburra_of_the_Keppel_Islands, accessed 1 May 2021.

Shaw, Barry ed. Brisbane: The Aboriginal Presence 1824–1860, Boolarong Press and Brisbane Aboriginal History Group, 2020 (Second edit. First edit by Rod Fisher. Includes papers by historians such as Raymond Evans, Rod Fisher, Libby Connors, John Mackenzie-Smith, Denis Cryle and Ray Kerkhove.)

‘The History of the Native Mounted Police in Queensland’, (reprinted with the permission of the Queensland Police Department), Generation, Quarterly Journal of the Genealogical Society of Queensland Inc., Vol. 10, No. 1, September 1987, pp. 7–12.

‘The Wills Tragedy’, The Sydney Morning Herald, Saturday 16 November 1861, p. 7

Uhr, Frank, The Raid of the Aborigines: brief overview and background to the poem,’ Journal of the Royal Historical Society of Queensland, Vol. 17, No. 12, (November 2001), pp. 559–561. Available at: https://search-informit-com-au.rp.nla.gov.au/documentSummary;dn=200116747;res=IELAPA ISSN: 1447-1345. [cited 05 Jan 18].

Uhr, Frank, September 12, 1843; The Battle of One Tree Hill–A turning point in the conquest of Moreton Bay,’ Journal of the Royal Historical Society of Queensland, Vol. 18, No. 6, May 2003, pp. 241–255. Available at: https://search-informit-com-au.rp.nla.gov.au/documentSummary;dn=200305667;res=IELAPA ISSN: 1447-1345. [cited 05 Jan 18].

Uhr, Frank 2009, The Day the Dreaming Stopped: A social history investigating the sudden impact the pastoral migration had in the Lockyer and Brisbane Valleys 1839 to 1846. A coursework thesis by Frank Uhr in partial fulfilment of the degree of Master of Arts, University of Queensland.

Uhr, Frank 2019, Multuggerah and the Sacred Mountain, Boolarong Press (Book for children aged 2–6 years)

Wikipedia, Paddy Island (also known as Paddy’s Island, formerly Coodes Island), https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paddy_Island, last edited 18 January 2024

Woppaburra TUMRA (The Woppaburra people’s Traditional Use of Marine Resources Agreement): https://woppaburra.com.au

Compiled by Jane Morrison 2012–2023. Most recent updates 18 April 2022, 8 July 2022, 4 January 2023, 19 April 2023, 6, 11 September 2023, 4, 13 October 2023, 1, 5, 6 February 2024, 19 March 2024, 11 June 2024.

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