Aboriginal massacres

Port Lincoln’s bloody past explored in new frontier wars exhibition

2024-12-09T11:44:58+11:00December 8th, 2024|

Read the story by Emma Pedler and Amelia Costigan on Port Lincoln's violent history on ABC Eyre Peninsula, Saturday 24 August 2024: https://www.abc.net.au/news/2024-08-24/port-lincoln-exhibition-frontier-wars-settlers-aboriginal-people/104257966?utm_campaign=abc_news_web&utm_content=mail&utm_medium=content_shared&utm_source=abc_news_web A map of conflicts that happened in South Australia, available on this website, can be viewed here: Frontier Conflicts Map – South Australia Other information about [...]

Book reveals those who led massacres in Australia’s north

2024-06-18T17:30:49+10:00June 18th, 2024|

Dr Robyn Smith's book, Licence to Kill: massacre men of Australia's north, details massacres of First Peoples that took place in Australia's north from 1824 up to the 1980s. Read more about this publication in Madison Howarth's story on NITV, 18 June 2024: https://www.sbs.com.au/nitv/article/new-book-reveals-names-of-those-who-led-massacres-in-countrys-north/jvairh6lp?dlb=[2024/06/18]%20del_nitv_bau&did=DM38272&cid=nitv:edm:acnitv:relation:nitvbrand:na:na Dr Robyn Smith is a [...]

Myall Creek Memorial Yarning Event, 7 June 2024

2024-04-17T11:34:19+10:00April 17th, 2024|

Armidale Friends of Myall Creek have announced an event in the University of Armidale's Yarning Series on Friday, 7 June 2024. Yarning with Boe Spearim on the Frontier Wars and Black Resistance...then and now will be held at the Oorala Aboriginal Centre, University of New England, Armidale, New South Wales. [...]

Truth of Victoria’s colonisation aired at Yoorrook Justice Commission

2024-04-06T14:32:08+11:00April 6th, 2024|

'The British initially thought Victoria's rapid colonisation in the 1830s was illegal, and were concerned by its violence,' read Kate Ashton's article and a view a video clip from the Yoorrook Justice Commission here on ABC News, Victoria, 5 April 2024: https://www.abc.net.au/news/2024-04-05/victoria-colonisation-history-yoorrook-aboriginal-massacres/103658322 "The South Eastern Portion of Australia"; compiled [...]

200-Year Old Diary Reveals Unknown Tasmanian Massacre

2024-04-05T12:30:54+11:00April 5th, 2024|

Rachel Edwards, ABC Radio Hobart, 'Rare soldier's diary reveals secret massacre of Indigenous Tasmanians after almost 200 years,' Monday 28 December 2020.  A disentegrating soldier's diary held in the National Library of Ireland (NAI) has led to the startling discovery of an undocumented massacre of First Peoples in Tasmania [...]

After the (failed) referendum dust settles

2024-04-05T12:32:35+11:00April 5th, 2024|

Peter Smith, 'After the (failed) referendum dust settles,' Pearls and Irritations, 19 March 2024: https://johnmenadue.com/after-the-failed-referendum-dust-settles/  

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