Samuel Calvert, Night attack of the natives on Lake Hope [South Australia], 1866, wood engraving, State Library of Victoria. Retrieved from Wikimedia Commons 11 June 2018

Some of the main sources for information about conflicts that happened in South Australia, and their locations, are included in the following publications:

Fatal Collisions: the South Australian Frontier and the violence of memory, Robert Foster, Rick Hosking and Amanda Nettelbeck, Wakefield Press, Kent Town, South Australia, 2001

In the Name of the Law: William Willshire and the Policing of the Australian Frontier, Amanda Nettelbeck and Robert Foster, Wakefield Press, 2007

Out of the Silence: the History and Memory of South Australia’s Frontier Wars, Robert Foster and Amanda Nettelbeck, Wakefield Press, Kent Town, South Australia, 2012

More references are in the Bibliography and Journal Articles. Also check sub-headings like Books, Databases, FilmsMemorials and Monuments, and Videos under Resources in the main menu.  Many thanks to readers who have emailed information about frontier conflicts not already listed. Locations will be added to the list below as new information is found and time permits. If you know of incidents that occurred, that are not included and wish to contact the author of this website, please use the form on the Contact page.

To see a map of some of the conflicts that happened in South Australia, please follow this link. All coordinates are approximate. Information on maps is being added as time permits and does not fully reflect the following list of conflict locations.

WARNING: Viewing this list may be offensive and upsetting to some readers as it contains placenames and sites where killings took place during the frontier period.

Compiled by Jane Morrison 2012–2022, Updated 3 June 2022, 2,5 October 2022.