Killing for Country by David Marr, Australia Institute Zoom Event, 11.00am Wednesday 24 January 2024
jane2024-01-22T10:37:18+11:00January 22nd, 2024|
jane2023-09-20T10:58:17+10:00September 20th, 2023|
Blackman's Point, on the Lands of the Birpai people, near Port Macquarie, New South Wales was recognised as an important massacre site and as an Aboriginal Place earlier this year. Read more: See also Memorials and Monuments on this website for a growing list of memorials and monuments [...]
jane2023-04-19T08:55:16+10:00April 19th, 2023|
A much-needed publication is now available on how First Nations used tactics during Australia's frontier conflicts. Queensland historian Dr Ray Kerkhove has spent many years of research into how First Nations resisted colonisation, revealed in his book How They Fought: Indigenous Tactics and Weaponry of Australia's Frontier Wars. Among the [...]
jane2018-04-17T06:56:25+10:00April 17th, 2018|
Sovereignty sign, Aboriginal Embassy, Canberra, Australia, 2017. Despite the invasion of their lands, killings, massacres and dispossession since 1788, First Nations have never ceded their sovereignty. Photo Jane Morrison A camp at the Embassy is expected to host 100 or more visitors who will take part in [...]