Reason and Reckoning: Conversations and Provocations

Symposium on the legacy of colonial figures like Sir Samuel Griffith, and his role in the killing of First Nations people in late 19th-century Queensland. Names of ‘founding fathers’ like Griffith’s are still widespread throughout the Australian landscape and Australian institutions.

‘This symposium, led by Dr Fiona Foley, takes as its starting point this provocation and the potency of colonial figures whose names still delineate Australia’s landscapes and its institutions, such as Griffith University and Griffith Review. It makes space for a range of powerful and diverse invited speakers to use Indigenous Knowledges and other academic prisms to address ongoing colonial structures of naming, rights and other deeper political questions that continue to face the nation – and the University – today.

As an Aboriginal-led research initiative that also seeks to reorient academic work through inclusion of the creative arts, it explores ways in which Aboriginal research, using creative modes such as visual art, performance and writing, can play a critical role in progressing scholarship, countering settler narratives and transforming dialogues in an institutional setting and beyond.’ (Griffith University)

Friday 10 June 2022
10.00am–4.00 pm

Griffith University, Brisbane, Queensland
South Bank Campus
Griffith Graduate Centre, South Bank, S07
Lecture Theatre 1.23

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