To commemorate the 28 Wirrayaraay people, who were murdered in an unprovoked and premeditated attack at Myall Creek, New South Wales on 10 June 1838, the Friends of Myall Creek will hold the annual memorial ceremony over the long weekend on Saturday and Sunday 12 and 13 June 2021.
On Saturday 12 June 2021, from 1pm–4pm a free Sounds of Country Concert will be held to celebrate the official opening of Stage 2 of the Myall Creek Memorial. Performers will include Radical Son, Roger Knox and Euraba, The Buddy Knox Blues Band, Ngambaa Dhalaay Dancers, Tingha Nucoorilma Dancers and the Gomeroi Dancers.
Myall Creek Memorial Ceremony
Sunday 13 June 2021
One of Australia’s foremost historians, Professor Henry Reynolds FAFA, FASSA, will be guest speaker.
9 am for 9.30 am start
- Gather at the Myall Creek Memorial Hall
- Walk up the hill to the new cultural performance space
- Smoking Ceremony and we will hear from
- Address by Professor Henry Reynolds about the Frontier Conflicts.
- Walk down the Memorial path to the Memorial rock for the annual Memorial Ceremony.
- Return to the Myall Creek Memorial Hall
- Awards for the Thoughts and Dreams Competition will be announced
Members, Supporters and Visitors are welcome to purchase lunch prepared by the Myall Creek CWA.
From 3.00 pm
Members and Supporters are welcome to attend the AGM at the end of the day, from 3pm.
Last year’s ceremony (June 2020) could not go ahead because of the COVID 19 pandemic. Instead a video was released to mark the 182th anniversary of the Myall Creek Massacre. Contact Friends of Myall Creek for more information:

Commemoration ceremony, Myall Creek Massacre Memorial, Bingara, New South Wales, 10 June 2017. Photo: Jane Morrison
For more information about the events and how to get to Myall Creek near Bingara, visit the Friends of Myall Creek website at:
Ngiyana winangay ganunga–We remember them