The very moving annual Memorial Ceremony was held at the Myall Creek Massacre Memorial near Bingara, New South Wales on Sunday 11 June 2017. The Memorial, that was opened on 10 June 2000, attracts many visitors and large crowds to the yearly commemoration for the 28 Aboriginal men, women and children murdered by Europeans at Myall Creek on 10 June 1838. Descendants of First Nations and colonist families come together to take part in the proceedings in a true spirit of reconciliation. Photo: Jane Morrison
Heidi Gibson, The Northern Daily Leader, 11 June 2017 at: https://www.northerndailyleader.com.au/story/4722157/we-remember-them-the-myall-creek-massacre/
Excerpts from the keynote speech given by New South Wales’s Senior Crown Prosecutor, Mark Tedeschi AM QC, are available on the Bingara website at: https://www.bingara.com.au/myall-creek-murders-state-sanctioned-genocide/