Aboriginal people attending a two-day national meeting on the weekend at the Aboriginal Embassy in Australia’s national capital, Canberra, have occupied a vacant restaurant near the Embassy in an assertion of their continuing sovereignty over their lands.
Sherryn Groch, The Canberra Times, Monday 6 November 2017 at: https://www.canberratimes.com.au/act-news/aboriginal-tent-embassy-evict-commonwealth-from-canberras-lobby-restaurant-20171106-gzfk65.html

Aboriginal sovereignty sign stencilled on a window at the former The Lobby restaurant, King Edward Terrace, Parkes, Canberra, 5 November 2017. Photo: Jane Morrison

Australian Federal Police outside the former The Lobby restaurant, Parkes, Canberra, discussing the occupation with Aboriginal people, 5 November 2017. Photo: Jane Morrison

Aboriginal flag painted on the front door of the former The Lobby Restaurant, Canberra, 5 November 2017. Photo: Jane Morrison

Some occupants inside the former The Lobby restaurant, 5 November 2017. Photo: Jane Morrison